How can a woman stay connected to her recovery community online while living sober?

This can be through friends, family, or a support group. Social connection is the feeling of being emotionally connected to others. It may even be a new social group that understands and supports your sobriety journey. This type of interaction is crucial when it comes to addiction and recovery.

While Akers credits the 12-step groups for “saving his life,” not everyone finds them useful. Fortunately, recovery programs that don't require 12 steps, such as SMART Recovery, LifeRing, and Women for Sobriety, also have virtual options. SMART Recovery has online forums and meetings, LifeRing hosts Zoom meetings, and Women for Sobriety has community forums and phone support. A substance abuse problem changes the way a person sees the world, and treatment does much the same.

A lot can change due to drug and alcohol addiction, and successful rehabilitation involves rebuilding a person's life. When it comes to relationships, the realities and rules of abstinence after addiction become even more raw. Whether as a client or companion, a guide to sober dating is very important for understanding how things change in the heart. In both cases, the godparents lived in a sober house that had closed or did not want to be quarantined alone, so they returned to live with their ex-partners, who were still drug addicts.

Loosid offers chat groups to help sober people get to know each other where they live, make new sober friendships and find people to do activities with that are not related to alcohol. It provides a safe space to share your experiences and challenges, while offering a new network to connect with while trying to live a sober lifestyle. Despite all the resources available for virtual meetings, the question of how the pandemic is affecting sober living environments remains. SLE are residential centers where people usually stay after they have finished treatment as inpatients.