How can a woman cope with cravings when living sober?

When you are experiencing feelings of being overtaken by a desire or a compelling need to consume, it is helpful to locate a distraction to take your mind off of what you are going through. Discuss the matter with the individual who is paying for your sponsorship. When you are working through the process of acknowledging and moving past the feelings that you are currently going through, it may be helpful to talk to a recovery sponsor or another person in your recovery circle. It's possible that if someone else reassures you that your cravings are normal, it will give you the push you need to start moving in the correct path.

There is a strong probability that these people have also struggled with cravings in the past, and they may be able to supply you with advise on how to get rid of them in the future. You can, on the other hand, assess the situation in a more objective manner by taking a step back and gaining some distance. What does it really feel like to want something? Where do you sense it most strongly? Your chest? Where exactly can I find it? Take a step back and examine the feeling in an impartial manner, refraining from casting judgment on it and releasing the pressure that comes with the notion that you have to behave in a particular way. Does it move? Does it go through any kind of transformation? You should let go of the feeling once you see that it is beginning to reduce in intensity.

Practicing mindfulness meditation on a regular basis will make this lot easier for you to accomplish if you do it on a consistent basis. It will be much simpler for you to triumph over even the most potent of feelings, such as hunger, if you make it a habit to observe your thoughts and feelings without allowing yourself to be taken away by them. This is because when you observe your thoughts and feelings without allowing yourself to be taken away by them, you are making it a practice. Playing the tape is another powerful strategy that can be used to get over an appetite for food. When you have a strong want for something, your mind will often start to fool you into thinking that you already have it.

You find yourself thinking about the fun moments you used to have when under the influence of various substances. This causes you to feel nostalgic. You start to think things like, "I haven't used it in a while; I should probably just use it once, and that's fine." Playing the tape will give you the ability to protect yourself from falling prey to these mental tricks. All that is required to accomplish this is to think beyond the satisfaction of that first drink and to vividly envision what happens after, such as feeling disappointed in yourself, failing your family, going on a drinking binge for a month and having to start over to recover, and other similar things.

Think back on the reasons that prompted you to make the decision to give up drinking in the first place. The persuasive picture will put a stop to the enticing concepts of making use of it once more. If the want to consume anything becomes even more intense, you always have the back-up plan of playing the tape. When you get to this point, you should think about what comes after the initial moment of satisfaction that a relapse would provide and try to fully visualize what it would be like. When you get to this point, you should think about what comes after the initial moment of satisfaction that a relapse would provide.

Think about the feelings of disbelief and remorse that you may go through in the case that you had a relapse after you had successfully kicked the habit. Think about how disappointed your family and the people you hold dear would be in you if you let them down. Think back on all of the unfavorable alterations that your addiction has caused in your life, as well as the factors that contributed to your decision to finally give up using the substance. When you need more willpower than you've ever had before, it can be good to mentally repeat the terrible things that would happen if you caved in to temptation. This can help you stay strong when you need it the most.

Being aware of when it is appropriate to call out to one's support network is one of the most essential components of building a successful sober life for oneself. This is especially true in the early stages of recovery. If you are having problems overcoming a hunger, you should try reaching out to a member of your family or a close friend who will be there for you. Having a chat with another person about how you're feeling can give you the boost in motivation you need to fight the urges you're experiencing and not give in to them.